Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hospital Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hospital Administration - Essay Example One of the main differences between a profit and non-profit company is that a non-profit company is not allowed to issue stocks or pay dividends. They also are not allowed to enrich the people on the Board of Directors. Non-Profit organizations are also allowed to apply for tax exempt status, which levies all taxes from the organization. This makes it easier for some non-profit organization to collect donations as well, as it allows donors to claim back any donations on income tax forms. The non-profit organization I have picked is St. John's Mercy Hospital, Washington. This hospital offers comprehensive faculties for various field included medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, all well working under their no profit headline. The facility is able to offer inpatient, outpatient and critical care services, all without making a profit for themselves. More than 150, 000 people benefit from St. John's Mercy Hospital. More than 1000 healthcare workers including 150 physicians function in the hospital. For about half a decade, this hospital has been within the top 100 hospitals in the US. On about 57 hospitals in the US have been able to stay in the top 100-status for 5 years. In the year 2005, the hospital was presented with a prestigious quality award as the 'Primaris Hospital Quality Award'. This award means that the hospital is ensuring high performance and committed to bringing about quality care in the state of Missouri. This award is a testament to the quality of care that is offered at St. John's, and even though it is a non-profit hospital it is still able to offer the best services out of almost anywhere in the United States. St. John's Hospital is really supported by the St. John's Mercy Foundation, which is a not-for-profit organization led by a volunteer board or local leaders and community members. The Foundations Web Site claims that "Your support of the Foundation will help St. John's Mercy Hospital continue to fulfill the promise of our mission as a not-for-profit health care organization to serve our community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and provide for those unable to pay for care and those in need of services not provided elsewhere in our region. The Foundation is dedicated to helping St. John's Mercy Hospital remain a leading edge health care facility and ensuring our communities have access to vital health care resources. With your support, the Foundation will help St. John's Mercy Hospital to fund new health care services, equipment, community outreach programs, and care for the indigent. Every donation to the St. John's Mercy Hospital Foundation makes a lasting contribution to our community. Your contributions ensure quality health care for those who seek care at St. John's Mercy Hospital today, tomorrow and always"(St. John's Mercy Foundation). The Foundation's Website offers no information regarding what it does with excess funds, or how much annual income it makes, but it does include much more important numbers; how many people the organization helps. This is perhaps the most important thing to judge a non-profit by, as it shows how effectively they manage their money, how well they spend it, and how well they are able to help the public.

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